Koreans are spending more during their overseas trips, 분당오피hile foreign travelers to Korea are spending less than be분당오피fore, leading to a wider deficit in tourism balance.
More and more Koreans are taking overseas trips, while the numbe분당오피r of Japanese visitors is decreasing fast due to the weakening yen.
These factors resulted in a huge deficit in tourism balance, and the deficit is like분당오피ly to increase along with the summer vacat분당오피ion season.
According to the Bank of Korea 분당오피and the Korea Culture and Tourism Institute on Sunday, Korea reported $1.59 billion in tourism deficit for the first five months of the year, m분당오피ore than 11-fold the figure during the same period of last year.
The deficit came largely because Korean travelers spent $7 bill분당오피ion for their overseas stay, up by 14.3 percent from last year. It 분당오피was the largest spending for the January-May period.
On the contrary, foreign travelers spent $5.4 billion, 9.6 perc분당오피ent down from a year before.
By May, Kor분당오피ea had a tourism deficit for 12 straight months.
For the first five months of the year, more than 6 million Koreans went on overseas visits, up 분당오피by 9.5 percent.
“The increase has been driven by a growing number of international flights by low-cost c분당오피arriers and the strong Korean won against the dollar and 분당오피the yen,” an official of the institute said.
“With the vacation season approaching, more people are forecas분당오피t to head abroad. We expect nearly 15 million Kore분당오피ans to take overseas trips this year,” he said.
Last year, the number of Kore분당오피ans traveling overseas was 13.7 million.
The number of foreign visitors to Korea also rose for the January-May period분당오피, but only by 1.8 percent to 4.4 million. Although the number of Chinese travelers hiked, tha분당오피t of Japanese visitors plunged by 24.9 percent to 373,000.
“The number of Japanese began dropping last September after forme분당오피r President Lee Myung-bak said Japanese Emperor Akihito must분당오피 apologize for the atrocities committed during the 1910-1945 colonial rule should he want to visit K분당오피orea,” the official said.
“And the situation got worse as the yen fell against the won. Japanese tra분당오피velers, even if they come, do not spend as 분당오피much money as before,” he said.
He said a changing trip trend is a분당오피nother factor, as the institute’s recent survey showed the ratio of foreigners coming for shopping purposes decreased from last year’s 14.5 pe분당오피rcent to 12.6 percent.
The survey also showed foreigners’ satisfaction with their travel here drop분당오피ped in almost all categories including tourist destination, tourist infor분당오피mation service, lodging, food, shopping and immigration.
“We think the low satisfaction resulted from cheap pac분당오피kage programs for Chinese travelers, in which they are forced to visit many shopping centers rather than tourist attrac분당오피tions,” the official said.
More and more Koreans are taking overseas trips, while the numbe분당오피r of Japanese visitors is decreasing fast due to the weakening yen.
These factors resulted in a huge deficit in tourism balance, and the deficit is like분당오피ly to increase along with the summer vacat분당오피ion season.
According to the Bank of Korea 분당오피and the Korea Culture and Tourism Institute on Sunday, Korea reported $1.59 billion in tourism deficit for the first five months of the year, m분당오피ore than 11-fold the figure during the same period of last year.
The deficit came largely because Korean travelers spent $7 bill분당오피ion for their overseas stay, up by 14.3 percent from last year. It 분당오피was the largest spending for the January-May period.
On the contrary, foreign travelers spent $5.4 billion, 9.6 perc분당오피ent down from a year before.
By May, Kor분당오피ea had a tourism deficit for 12 straight months.
For the first five months of the year, more than 6 million Koreans went on overseas visits, up 분당오피by 9.5 percent.
“The increase has been driven by a growing number of international flights by low-cost c분당오피arriers and the strong Korean won against the dollar and 분당오피the yen,” an official of the institute said.
“With the vacation season approaching, more people are forecas분당오피t to head abroad. We expect nearly 15 million Kore분당오피ans to take overseas trips this year,” he said.
Last year, the number of Kore분당오피ans traveling overseas was 13.7 million.
The number of foreign visitors to Korea also rose for the January-May period분당오피, but only by 1.8 percent to 4.4 million. Although the number of Chinese travelers hiked, tha분당오피t of Japanese visitors plunged by 24.9 percent to 373,000.
“The number of Japanese began dropping last September after forme분당오피r President Lee Myung-bak said Japanese Emperor Akihito must분당오피 apologize for the atrocities committed during the 1910-1945 colonial rule should he want to visit K분당오피orea,” the official said.
“And the situation got worse as the yen fell against the won. Japanese tra분당오피velers, even if they come, do not spend as 분당오피much money as before,” he said.
He said a changing trip trend is a분당오피nother factor, as the institute’s recent survey showed the ratio of foreigners coming for shopping purposes decreased from last year’s 14.5 pe분당오피rcent to 12.6 percent.
The survey also showed foreigners’ satisfaction with their travel here drop분당오피ped in almost all categories including tourist destination, tourist infor분당오피mation service, lodging, food, shopping and immigration.
“We think the low satisfaction resulted from cheap pac분당오피kage programs for Chinese travelers, in which they are forced to visit many shopping centers rather than tourist attrac분당오피tions,” the official said.
관광수지 적자 '눈덩이'…5월까지 작년 동기의 11배
여름 휴가철을 앞둔 가운데 올해 관광수지 적자가수원오피 눈덩이처럼 불어나고 있다.
30일 한국은행과 한국문화관광연구수원오피원에 따르면 올해 1∼5월 관광수지 적자액은 15억9천640만달러로, 작년 동기(1억수원오피4천60만달러)의 11.4배에 달했다.
이는 한국인 관광객이 외국에 가서 쓴 관광 지출이 수원오피70억3천350만달러로 작년 동기보다 8억7천930만달러(14.3%)나 늘어 1∼5월 기준으로는 사상 수원오피최대에 달할 정도로 증가했기 때문이다.
이에 비해 외국인이 한국에 와서 소비한 관광 수입은 54억3천710만수원오피달러로 작년 같은 기간보다 5억7천650만달러(9.6%) 감소수원오피했다.
월별 관광수지는 엔저수원오피로 일본인 관광객의 한국 방문이 줄면서 작년 6월 적자(1억3천800만달러)를 보이기 시작해 올해 5월(3억3수원오피천610만달러)까지 12개월 연속 마이너스 행진을 하고 있다.
올해 1∼5월 한국을 찾은 외국인 관광객은 447만1천명으로 수원오피작년 동기보다 1.8% 증가하는 데 그쳤다. 이는 일본인 관광객(113만8천명)이 37만3천명(24.9%)이나 감소한 영향이 크다.수원오피
이에 비해 올해 5월까지 해외로 나간 한국인 관광객은 600만7천수원오피명으로 9.5% 늘었다.
불경기에 따라 해외여행 중 1인당수원오피 지출액은 줄더라도, 휴가철을 중심으로 외국으로 가는 한국인 여행객 수는 계수원오피속 늘 것으로 전망된다.
이성태 한국문화관광연구원 책임연구원은 '저가항수원오피공의 취항 확대, 환율, 지속적인 해외여행 욕구 등으로 올해 외국을 찾는 한국인 관광객은 연수원오피인원 1천500만명에 근접할 것으로 예상한다'고 말했다.
작년에는 외국을 찾은 한국인 관광객수가 1천373만명 수준이었수원오피다.
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