Foreign beer makers are rapidly increasing their m인천오피arket share in Korea amid falling sales of wine and whisky, according to an analysis by Lotte Mart, on인천오피e of the country’s major discount retail stores, Sunday.
Sale of imported beer during June 1 to June 27인천오피 was 1.61 billion won, an increase of 41 percent from a year earlier, surpassing that of wine by 100 million 인천오피on, Lotte Mart said.
This is the first time that imported beer was sold more than wine on a 인천오피monthly basis.
The famous Japanese beer brand Asahi Super 인천오피and Lager.
“We do see some consumers choosing imported beer instead of win인천오피e and whisky,” said Kim Min-hak, a sales personnel at a Lotte stor인천오피e in Seohyun-dong, Bundang, Gyeonggi Province.
“We are going to introduce more imported beer br인천오피ands as part of our diversification strategies to attract more customers.”
The amount of Japanese beer imported here last year tripled to 인천오피$26.3 million from some $7.32 million in 2008, according to an industry data.
Korea has seen a massive boom in the인천오피 imported beer market in recent years and importers are capitalizing on the c인천오피nsumer trend.
The increasing demand for imported beer has negatively affected the s인천오피ale of domestic beer brands, Ki인천오피m said.
“A growing number of Koreans are인천오피 trying to explore new tastes. The imported beer industry in Korea will expand further인천오피” he said.
“While alcoholic beverages are thought to be recession-proof, we’re seeing significant evidence of changes in consumers’ buying habits,” said another sales memb인천오피er at Lotte.
In the first half of this year, reven인천오피ue of imported beer rose to the 70 percent level in Lotte from the 36 percent level in 2008, the data 인천오피showed.
Meanwhile, sales of whiskey fell sharply this year due to a protracted eco인천오피nomic recession and a change in the local drink인천오피ing culture.
According to other industry data, sales of whisk인천오피ey dropped 12 percent to 748,026 cartons in the first five months of the year from 848,895 cartons a year earlier. Each carton contains 18 bottles of 500 milliliters of whiskey.인천오피
Sale of imported beer during June 1 to June 27인천오피 was 1.61 billion won, an increase of 41 percent from a year earlier, surpassing that of wine by 100 million 인천오피on, Lotte Mart said.
This is the first time that imported beer was sold more than wine on a 인천오피monthly basis.
The famous Japanese beer brand Asahi Super 인천오피and Lager.
“We do see some consumers choosing imported beer instead of win인천오피e and whisky,” said Kim Min-hak, a sales personnel at a Lotte stor인천오피e in Seohyun-dong, Bundang, Gyeonggi Province.
“We are going to introduce more imported beer br인천오피ands as part of our diversification strategies to attract more customers.”
The amount of Japanese beer imported here last year tripled to 인천오피$26.3 million from some $7.32 million in 2008, according to an industry data.
Korea has seen a massive boom in the인천오피 imported beer market in recent years and importers are capitalizing on the c인천오피nsumer trend.
The increasing demand for imported beer has negatively affected the s인천오피ale of domestic beer brands, Ki인천오피m said.
“A growing number of Koreans are인천오피 trying to explore new tastes. The imported beer industry in Korea will expand further인천오피” he said.
“While alcoholic beverages are thought to be recession-proof, we’re seeing significant evidence of changes in consumers’ buying habits,” said another sales memb인천오피er at Lotte.
In the first half of this year, reven인천오피ue of imported beer rose to the 70 percent level in Lotte from the 36 percent level in 2008, the data 인천오피showed.
Meanwhile, sales of whiskey fell sharply this year due to a protracted eco인천오피nomic recession and a change in the local drink인천오피ing culture.
According to other industry data, sales of whisk인천오피ey dropped 12 percent to 748,026 cartons in the first five months of the year from 848,895 cartons a year earlier. Each carton contains 18 bottles of 500 milliliters of whiskey.인천오피
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