SK, 7년간의 '우한 프로젝트' 후일담 공개
SK그룹이 중국과 3조3천억원 규모의 대형 선릉오피 합작 프로젝트를 성사시킨 데에는 최태원 회장의 7년에 걸친 뚝심과 열정이 밑바탕선릉오피이 됐다며 30일 사업 후일담을 공개했다.SK그룹은 이번 중국 최대 석유회사 시노펙선릉오피과 체결한 합작회사 설립계약은 한·중 수교 이후 최대 규모의 석유화학 합작이며 아시아 기업 최초, 최대의 중국 석유화학 합작 사업이라고 의미를 부여했다.
SK 관계자는 '중국 진출 22년간 SK의선릉오피 성장이 중국에도 이익이 되는 진정한 동반자 관계를 맺고자 했던 노력이 결실을 보았다'며 '대통령선릉오피의 방중이 중국 정부의 최종 승인을 받는데 결정적인 역할을 했다'고 전했다.
'우한(武漢) 프로젝트'로 불렸던 이번 에틸렌 합작사업은 2006년 4월 최 회선릉오피장이 시노펙의 왕톈푸(王天普) 총경리를 만난 자리선릉오피에서 '중국에 꼭 필요한 것을 먼저 말해달라'고 제안하면서 시작됐다.
왕 총경리가 '산업의 쌀'이라선릉오피는 에틸렌 분야의 합작사업이 필요하다고 하자 최 회장은 SK그룹의 기술력으로 해결할 수 있다고선릉오피 화답했다.
중국사업 진출 20년을 앞둔 SK도 '제2의 SK'를 중국선릉오피에 건설하자는 전략에 따라 새로운 대형 합작사업이 필요한 터였다. 이후 최 회장은 그룹의 장기적 신성장동력을 확보하기 위해 우한 프로젝트를 직접 진선릉오피두지휘했다.
합작사업에 합의한 양사는 이듬해 우한시에 에틸렌을 비롯한 유선릉오피화제품 생산 공장을 착공하고 중선릉오피국 정부에 합작법인 참여 승인을 신청했다.
하지만 2008년 글로벌 금융위기로 인해 시노펙이 선릉오피프로젝트 진행속도를 조절하기 시작한데다 중국 정부가 기간산업에 대한 외자투자 규제를 강선릉오피화하면서 승인은 계속 지연됐다.
게다가 가장 중요한 승인기관인 중국 국가발전개혁위원회가 SK그선릉오피룹이 산유국 기업이나 서구 메이저 기업이 아니고 기술력에도 의문이 든다는 점을 내세워 제동을 걸었다.
합작회사 설립이 어려움에 부딪치자 최 회장이 직접 나섰다.
최 회장은 2008년 4월 중국에서 시노펙 경영진들을 만나 중국 정부에 조기비선릉오피준 협조를 요청하고 막판 걸림돌이 됐던 선릉오피발전개혁위 관계자를 직접 만나 담판을 지었다.
최 회장은 '중동 산유국처럼 원유, 원재료를 보유하지는 않았지만 SK그룹은 지난 40년간 국내외 여러 석유화학 생산공장을 건설, 운영선릉오피해 온 노하우가 있다'는 점을 내세웠다.
빈민지역 학교 설립, 중국판 장학퀴즈인 'SK 좡위안방'(壯元榜) 후원 등 SK그룹이 중국에서 펼쳤던 공익적 활동상을 소개하며 선릉오피중국사업의 진정성을 강조했다.
최 회장이 합작 추진에 선릉오피합의한 이후 중국 정부와 시노펙 관계자를 면담한 것은 중국 현지에서만 10여차례에 이른다.
결국 중국 정부가 긍정적 입장으로 돌아선릉오피서면서 지선릉오피난 2월 발전개혁위, 5월 국무원 심사까지 일사천리로 통과하기에 이르렀다.
최 회장이 '중국 사업은 30년의 긴 안목을 보고 추진해야 한다. 단기간의 성과를 내기 위해 조바심을 내지 말고 중장기적인 전략을 가지고 접근해야 한다'고 강조선릉오피한 것이 결실을 본 것이다.
시노펙 고위 관계자도 'SK그룹이 7년이라는 오랜 시간을 기다려 주면서 끝까지 신뢰를 심어줘서 고맙게 생각한다'며 '진정성이 느껴지는 파트너'라고 평했다.
왕 총경리도 28일 최종 계약 서명식에서 '오늘 이 자리는 최태원 회장의 진심어린 노력 덕분에 가능했다. 최 회장이 이 자리에 왔어야 하는데 안타깝다'는 말을 했다선릉오피고 SK 관계자는 전했다.선릉오피
이처럼 사업성사 과정을 공개한 SK측의 의도는 구속수감 상태에서 계열사 펀드 자금 횡령 혐의로 항소심 공판을 받고 있는 최 회장에 대한 재판상황과 경영인으로서 평판을 조금이라도 개선, 호전시켜보려는 노력으로 보선릉오피인다.
SK 관계자는 '현재 최선릉오피 회장이 처한 상황 때문에 이런 뒷얘기를 밝히는 것이 구명로비 의도가 있는 것 아니냐는 오해를 살 수도 있지만 선릉오피실제로 이번 사업성사 과정에서 최 회장의 역할이 지대했던 사실을 공개하는 것일 뿐'이라고 선릉오피말했다.
SK Group plans to expand its businesses into China in line with thdu역삼오피e agreement between President Park Geun-hye and Chinese President 역삼오피Xi Jinping to strengthen bilateral economic cooperation.
Korea is the second-largest inv역삼오피estor in China after the U.S., with Korean firms and organizations spending $3.3 billion last year for businesses and project역삼오피s, according to the Export-Import Bank of Korea.
Korean companies have now set their eyes on western China, the underdevelo역삼오피ped part of the country laden with enormous growth 역삼오피opportunities.
SK Group is leading th역삼오피e way. It has been some 22 years since the group launched its business in China.
In 2005, Xi visited Korea as then-Communist Party chief for Zhejiang Provinc역삼오피e to discuss business projects with Korean firms. He met Korean businesspeople, among whom wa역삼오피s SK Chairman Chey Tae-won.
Chey invited Xi to his office역삼오피 and they talked about cooperation and exchanges between the Korean business group and the Chinese province, SK역삼오피 officials said.
Such a long and close relationship led to Friday’s deal between SK Global Chem역삼오피al and the state-run Chinese National Petrochemical C역삼오피orp. to establish a joint venture for the commercial operation of a naphtha cracking center in 역삼오피Province.
It was the largest deal in the sector between the two countries.
“SK’s 22 years of efforts to build a stro역삼오피ng partnership with China has come to fruition. President Park’s visit was a decisive factor to prompt the Chinese government to give the final 역삼오피approval,” an SK official said.
The 3.3 trillion won center has an annual capacity of 2.5 million tons of petrochemicals including ethylene, polyethylene and 역삼오피polyvinyl chloride, expected to commence operations in the latter half this year.
Besides the deal, SK Group has operated in China in various fields including ener역삼오피gy, semiconductors and electric vehicle batteries, with some 12,000 employees. Its sales for last year reached 11.8 t역삼오피rillion won.
LG Group on the other hand has be역삼오피en focusing on the display business. LG Display is building an eighth-generation LCD panel plant in Guangzhou to start produ역삼오피ction in the latter half of 2014.
Six affiliates of the group are operating 34 local corporations with 65,000 w역삼오피orkers. Since 2002, it has formed an “LG complex” on an industrial area in Nanjing, with three subsidiaries _ LG Electronics, LG Display and LG Chem _ producing tele역삼오피visions, LCD panels and polarizing plates.
Hanwha Group set up Hanwha China역삼오피 in 2011 and the group’s diverse affiliates are operating businesses in manufacturing, trading, finance, service and leisure역삼오피 by setting up nine local corporations and having 10 branches. For GS Group, its oil refi역삼오피ning affiliates GS Caltex also established a local corporation last year, GS Caltex China.
In April, POSCO also completed the construction of a factory in Guang역삼오피dong Province to produce 450,000 tons of steel plates for veh역삼오피icles. The plates will be supplied to auto manufacturers operating in China such as Hyundai, Kia, Toyota and GM. The company expects China will consume 38 million vehicles per year by 2020.
Korean companies are also paying attention to China’s do역삼오피mestic consumption, as the country has a population of 1.역삼오피3 billion.
Ssangyong Motor plans to increase th역삼오피e number of its dealerships from the current 80 to 90 by the end of this year and 100 by 2014. As sports utility vehicles are being warmly rece역삼오피ived there, the company aims to export 10,000 cars to China this year and double the 역삼오피figure next year.
GS Shop acquired a 20 percent stake in China Home Sho역삼오피pping Group in April last year. It sent staffers in charge of strategy, merchandise management and IT to the Chinese c역삼오피ompany, raising the firm’s sales by 20 percent from the 역삼오피previous year.
Korea is the second-largest inv역삼오피estor in China after the U.S., with Korean firms and organizations spending $3.3 billion last year for businesses and project역삼오피s, according to the Export-Import Bank of Korea.
Korean companies have now set their eyes on western China, the underdevelo역삼오피ped part of the country laden with enormous growth 역삼오피opportunities.
SK Group is leading th역삼오피e way. It has been some 22 years since the group launched its business in China.
In 2005, Xi visited Korea as then-Communist Party chief for Zhejiang Provinc역삼오피e to discuss business projects with Korean firms. He met Korean businesspeople, among whom wa역삼오피s SK Chairman Chey Tae-won.
Chey invited Xi to his office역삼오피 and they talked about cooperation and exchanges between the Korean business group and the Chinese province, SK역삼오피 officials said.
Such a long and close relationship led to Friday’s deal between SK Global Chem역삼오피al and the state-run Chinese National Petrochemical C역삼오피orp. to establish a joint venture for the commercial operation of a naphtha cracking center in 역삼오피Province.
It was the largest deal in the sector between the two countries.
“SK’s 22 years of efforts to build a stro역삼오피ng partnership with China has come to fruition. President Park’s visit was a decisive factor to prompt the Chinese government to give the final 역삼오피approval,” an SK official said.
The 3.3 trillion won center has an annual capacity of 2.5 million tons of petrochemicals including ethylene, polyethylene and 역삼오피polyvinyl chloride, expected to commence operations in the latter half this year.
Besides the deal, SK Group has operated in China in various fields including ener역삼오피gy, semiconductors and electric vehicle batteries, with some 12,000 employees. Its sales for last year reached 11.8 t역삼오피rillion won.
LG Group on the other hand has be역삼오피en focusing on the display business. LG Display is building an eighth-generation LCD panel plant in Guangzhou to start produ역삼오피ction in the latter half of 2014.
Six affiliates of the group are operating 34 local corporations with 65,000 w역삼오피orkers. Since 2002, it has formed an “LG complex” on an industrial area in Nanjing, with three subsidiaries _ LG Electronics, LG Display and LG Chem _ producing tele역삼오피visions, LCD panels and polarizing plates.
Hanwha Group set up Hanwha China역삼오피 in 2011 and the group’s diverse affiliates are operating businesses in manufacturing, trading, finance, service and leisure역삼오피 by setting up nine local corporations and having 10 branches. For GS Group, its oil refi역삼오피ning affiliates GS Caltex also established a local corporation last year, GS Caltex China.
In April, POSCO also completed the construction of a factory in Guang역삼오피dong Province to produce 450,000 tons of steel plates for veh역삼오피icles. The plates will be supplied to auto manufacturers operating in China such as Hyundai, Kia, Toyota and GM. The company expects China will consume 38 million vehicles per year by 2020.
Korean companies are also paying attention to China’s do역삼오피mestic consumption, as the country has a population of 1.역삼오피3 billion.
Ssangyong Motor plans to increase th역삼오피e number of its dealerships from the current 80 to 90 by the end of this year and 100 by 2014. As sports utility vehicles are being warmly rece역삼오피ived there, the company aims to export 10,000 cars to China this year and double the 역삼오피figure next year.
GS Shop acquired a 20 percent stake in China Home Sho역삼오피pping Group in April last year. It sent staffers in charge of strategy, merchandise management and IT to the Chinese c역삼오피ompany, raising the firm’s sales by 20 percent from the 역삼오피previous year.
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